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Figs, Black Misson, Dried 12 oz.

Sweet, moist and flavorful dried Black Mission Figs are delicious in recipes or as a healthy snack.
Pricing: $10.99


Dried Black Mission Figs are a loaded with potassium, fiber and calcium, and are a fat free and cholesterol free fruit. Also known as the Franciscana fig, they were first cultivated in the 18th century at the California missions. Chop some and add them to oatmeal, poach them in red wine and serve with frozen desserts, or stuff them with goat cheese for a unique appetizer.


Figs, Walnuts and Spinach Salad

If you are tired of that plain green salad for dinner you will want to add the extra nutrition and pizzazz that the figs and walnuts add to this spinach salad to your Healthiest Way of Eating. It's a great will complement to almost any meal. Enjoy!

Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes

1/2 medium onion, sliced thin
2 TBS white wine or apple cider vinegar
1 cup hot water
5 oz baby spinach
2 TBS balsamic vinegar
1/2 tsp honey
2 TBS extra virgin olive oil
salt and cracked black pepper to taste
8 dried figs, sliced
2 TBS chopped walnuts


Slice onion and let sit for at least 5 minutes to enhance its health-promoting properties.
Marinate sliced onion in 2 TBS white wine or apple cider vinegar and hot water for 10 minutes while preparing rest of ingredients.
Rinse and dry baby spinach. If you have a salad spinner that is best, otherwise, dry with paper towels. This will avoid dressing getting diluted.
Whisk together balsamic vinegar, honey, salt and pepper, drizzling in the olive oil a little at a time at the end. Drain the liquid in which the onions were marinating. Toss spinach, onions, walnuts, and figs with dressing and serve.
Serves 4


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